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  • Airmen to see changes in deployment cycles with AFFORGEN

    Big changes are underway for deployed Airmen as the U.S. Air Force transitions away from the expeditionary Air Force model of force presentation to the Air Force Force Generation model after more than 20 years of contingency operations.

  • Red Flag 21-2 underway at Nellis

    The 57th Wing’s 414th Combat Training Squadron (CTS) conducts Red Flag exercises to provide mission commanders, maintenance personnel, ground controllers, and air, space and cyber operators the opportunity to experience realistic combat scenarios in preparation for future warfare.

  • Army GLOs enable joint combat power, battlefield safety

    The U.S. Department of Defense receives a significant amount of its intelligence from the Air Force Distributed Common Ground System, which simply put, is an enterprise of globally networked analysts and cyber professionals linked together by a global communications architecture.Although