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  • Women in Aviation: Gliders to fighters

    The young Minnesota girl held the flashlight in the cold hangar as her father tinkered with the aircraft handed down from her grandfather. For as long as Lt. Col. Bridgett “Atlas” Fitzsimmons, 334th Fighter Squadron director of operations, could remember, planes and runways have been embedded in her

  • Seymour Johnson leads the way in Razor Talon

    Exercise Razor Talon is a quarterly Agile Combat Employment and large-force composite exercise that allows the Air Force to train in a fully-developed threat scenario environment with joint and combined warfighters across multiple domains. The Fourth Fighter Wing led the 4th quarter iteration of

  • Girl “crushes” illness, becomes pilot for a day

    The 4th Fighter Wing Protocol office partnered with the 334th Fighter Squadron to initiate the Pilot for a Day program to provide children who have serious or chronic conditions, and their families with the opportunity to be a guest of the 4th FW and a fighter squadron for a day.