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  • Airmen come together to strengthen 386th AEW security

    Force Protection (FP) Airmen assist in safeguarding the base and its populace. These Airmen often act as security escorts and may deter insider threats by ensuring Other Country Nationals (OCNs) complete duties within their service contracts.

  • SNCOs: Mentor Future Commanders!

    “More is caught, than taught.” This common colloquialism rings true for individual development. Regardless of your tenure in the Top 3, if you have just sewn on master sergeant, or are a chief master sergeant hitting high year tenure, senior NCOs shape tomorrow’s joint leaders. We set the example

  • Intel and recruiting Airmen embark Fleet Week

    Airmen from the 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing, 317th Recruiting Squadron and Air Force Recruiting Services attended Fleet Week Baltimore to meet and talk with the local community October 6, 2018 in Baltimore, Md. These Airmen were given a chance to speak with the local