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  • Hill F-35As transition to Mountain Home during runway closure

    This week, the 34th Fighter Squadron and 34th Aircraft Maintenance Unit will transition F-35A Lightning II operations to Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, as the runway here closes for construction.More than 250 Airmen from the active duty 388th and Reserve 419th Fighter Wings and up to 24

  • Hill Airmen deploy F-35 to Europe as part of Theater Security Package

    The U.S. Air Force has deployed one squadron of F-35A Lightning II fighter jets, Airmen, and associated equipment to Aviano Air Base, Italy, from the 388th and 419th Fighter Wings, at Hill AFB, Utah, to participate in exercises and conduct training with other Europe-based aircraft as part of a

  • Qatari Mirages fly with U.S. B-52H and F-35As

    Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF) Mirage 2000s, a U.S. B-52H Stratofortress, and U.S. F-35A Lightning IIs flew in formation over Southwest Asia, May 21, 2019. This flight was conducted to continue building military-to-military relationships and interoperability with the QEAF. The B-52H is part of the

  • 9th MUNS hosts second annual Air Force Combat Operations Competition

    The 9th Munitions Squadron held the second annual Air Force Combat Operations Competition (AFCOCOMP), May 14-16, 2019, here.AFCOCOMP is a one-of-a-kind munitions building competition, which tests participants on the skills required of ammo troops during warfighting operations.