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  • WSINT 23-B: Training to dominate the Spectrum

    For the first time, the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing integrated with the U.S. Air Force Weapons School (USAFWS) to provide students realistic pacing threats in the electromagnetic operational environment for their capstone exercise.

  • First ever Lead Wing Command and Control Course taught at Dyess

    The 7th Bomb Wing leadership teams across Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, were taught their first Lead Wing Command and Control Course by the 705th Training Squadron from Sept. 19-22, 2023. The course is designed to prepare individuals qualified to become A-staff for operations in support of an Air

  • U.S. facilitates Philippine Air Force AOC, ISR training

    At the request of the government of the Philippines, the 505th Training Squadron located at Hurlburt Field, Florida, sent a team of U.S. Air Force Air Operations Center Formal Training Unit instructors to Villamor Air Base, Philippines, from Aug. 10-19. The instructors trained twenty-eight members