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  • Offutt hosts VA exercise

    Offutt Air Force Base hosted the VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System as they conducted a National Disaster Medical System exercise on Nov. 13, at Offutt Field House.

  • ACC recognizes Fightin’ Fifty-Fifth for excellence in patient care

    The 55th Medical Group was the recipient of the 2019 Air Force Surgeon General’s Best Ambulatory Patient Safety Program Team Award. In 2017, the 55th MDG began their high-reliability organization journey. The entire Air Force Medical System has been on the HRO journey since the third quarter of

  • Offutt Pharmacy fills need for exceptional patient

    Born 1-pound, 4-ounces, Emma Waechter’s delicate frame stays warm within the confines of a neonatal intensive care unit’s isolette bed - its protective enclosure would be her world for the next four-months.

  • 100 Black Women of Omaha inducts CGO

    U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Valyn Beasley, 55th Medical Group practice manager healthcare administer, was born and raised in North Omaha, merely miles from Offutt Air Force Base. While stationed so close to home, she spends her time, not only mentoring those inside its gates, but also members of her