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  • COVID-19 vaccine does not affect fertility, immunization experts say

    You're pregnant, or you’re breastfeeding. Should you get a COVID-19 vaccine? That’s a question on the minds of many military frontline health care workers today. The short answer is that it’s an individual’s choice, and military health experts say the vaccine is well worth considering.

  • DOD experts explain: The science behind the COVID-19 vaccines

    Almost six weeks after the Food and Drug Administration issued emergency use authorization for the first two COVID-19 vaccines, many questions have arisen concerning their efficacy in attacking the SARS-CoV-2 virus and deadly COVID-19 disease. To better understand how COVID-19 vaccines work, MHS

  • Three ways to protect your health through preventive care

    August is Preventive Health Month — an ideal time to address your health. Preventive health helps you to identify and address health issues before they worsen. Practicing it protects you and your family from disease and illness. Preventive health for you may also mean finding ways to fit more