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  • Fall Into Winter Safely

    As the Fall season’s display of yellow to orange splendor fades, Winter weather moves in, and an impressive range of potential hazards are introduced. From difficulties associated with driving on snow and ice to flying layovers, this holiday season reminds us that off-duty activities such as holiday

  • Awareness stimulates holiday safety

    With the holidays approaching, it is a good time to make a plan for staying safe. The hustle and bustle of shopping, driving, travelling, and planning celebrations brings increased risk, both at work and at home. Far too often this leads to injury or even death. By recognizing and being aware of

  • Follow safety tips for a happy holiday season

    The Christmas season can be the most joyous of times, but it can also be deadly. Approximately 400 fires occur annually involving Christmas trees, according to the National Fire Protection Association, or NFPA, resulting in more than a dozen deaths, injuries and more than $10 million in property

  • Holiday safety: To drink, or not to drink

    Parties and special occasions usually involve games, music, and alcoholic beverages. They are times of festivity and fun. For someone concerned about alcohol intake or battling substance abuse, social events may seem threatening. But it is possible to participate in activities that include alcohol.