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Tag: TeamShaw
  • AMMO keeps heartbeat

    While many Team Shaw members are sound asleep, some Airmen must continue to keep the heart of the base beating with 24-hour operations. The 20th Equipment Maintenance Squadron is one of many squadrons that work throughout the night.
  • Teamwork leads to mission readiness

    In the military, many times the mission prevails through teamwork; teamwork throughout squadrons, organizations and internally within each shop. With some jobs, teamwork is much more crucial to the specific mission, which is why fire training is so important for the 20th Civil Engineer Squadron fire fighters.
  • Hidden talent: powerlifting

    Many times people go through life never knowing about the incredible talent they may possess. This would be true for Staff Sgt. Allen Plata, 20th Equipment Maintenance Squadron stockpile management crew chief, who may have never known about his powerlifting abilities if it weren’t for joining the Air Force.
  • Domestic Violence Awareness

    Domestic violence can happen to anyone at any time, but many times it is overlooked or goes unnoticed by others. Team Shaw came together throughout the month of October to support domestic violence survivors and show their respects to those who lost their lives to domestic violence.
  • Innovation at its finest

    The Air Force looks to its Airmen to be innovative in order to save time and money. Staff Sgt. Justin Tankersley, 20th Maintenance Group weapons lead crew chief, created a new tool for F-16 Fighting Falcons.