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  • Exercise AGILE FLAG 24-3: Creating Mission Ready Airmen

    The 9th Reconnaissance Wing (9RW), Beale Air Force Base, participated in Exercise AGILE FLAG 24-3 throughout Southern California from July 31 to Aug. 11. This year’s iteration included the command and control Force Elements from the 23rd Wing, Moody Air Force Base, and the 9 RW. Exercise AGILE FLAG

  • Air Combat Command wraps up AGILE FLAG 24-1

    The 4th Fighter Wing from Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, completed its Air Force Force Generation, or AFFORGEN, certification event Feb. 3, closing out AGILE FLAG 24-1, Air Combat Command’s first iteration of this exercise for 2024.  

  • The 355th Wing flies toward the future

    A LIFT Aircraft electronic vertical takeoff and landing aircraft was transported from Springfield, Ohio to Austin, Texas, March 23 – 24, 2021.

  • Airmen partner toward quicker deployments

    Rescue Airmen from the 23d Wing visited the Devil Raiders of the 621st Contingency Response Wing (CRW), to better understand the essential assets to stand up rescue operations from bare-base situations.Although the 23d Wing’s mission to organize, train, equip and maintain combat-ready for Air Combat