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  • Through it all: One Tyndall AFB family’s story

    “The Air Force is telling me, ‘Stay away, don’t come back,’” said U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jordan Masingale. “We just kept thinking, why? It’s not going to be that bad. Why are we evacuating? It’s only supposed to be a Category 2 storm.” Within 48 hours of the mandatory evacuation of Tyndall Air

  • CAS Close Airman Support

    Davis-Monthan’s Airmen are known to be strong, resilient and hard-charging. Time and time again the base has proven to be one of the best and has never backed down from the high end fight. The base and the Airmen have gone through many changes that have resulted in a higher operation tempo with very

  • Chapel reinvigorates squadron care

    The foundation of readiness is taking care of people, and with annual military suicides rates remaining steady, the chapel recognized the need for change. After a deep-dive into the issue, U.S. Air Force Major Kevin Humphrey, 55th Wing chaplain, designed a two-phase approach.

  • One step at a time

    Senior Master Sgt. David Snyder put on his physical training uniform and fought the tension inside his chest. It was the day of his annual PT test. Like all his tests before, he had been preparing for months. But this time, he was a lot more nervous. He drove himself to the site. He did as many

  • A Day That Resonates

    By looking at him you wouldn’t know it, but Tech Sgt. Trevor Brewer, a flight chief with the 72nd Security Forces Squadron at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, has deep scars from a day seven years ago that took the lives of two fellow Airmen, and severely wounded two others. His wounds are