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  • AFCENT’s Task Force-99 focuses efforts on partner nation integration

    What does the future warfighter look like? What uniform will they wear? Will they integrate with artificial intelligence? There are a lot of unknowns about the future fight, but there is one certainty: to continue generating combat airpower, the U.S. Air Force and their mission partners need to

  • DM awards 2 Rescue Airmen the Bronze Star Medal

    “When someone needs protecting, or alone out there beyond enemy lines, that person has nothing to worry about,” said U.S. Air Force Col. Scott Mills, 355th Wing commander. “Because Rescue is going to bring that person home.”

  • DESERT FLAG 9: Enhancing the Security of the Middle East

    To confront the complex challenges of today, nations need to be able to work together and support one another as a unified and cohesive fighting force, which is why the United States and so many other countries participated in this year’s Desert Flag exercise.