DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- Airmen from the 355th Civil Engineer Squadron and the 11th Air Task Force participated in a readiness challenge at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, August 7 and 8, 2024.
The challenge was a capstone event for Airmen to test the knowledge and skills learned from months of training and preparation.
Airmen completed the culminating event as teams of 11 at the military operations in urban terrain simulated village. The event required Airmen to skillfully navigate the village, properly put on their gas masks, complete Tactical Casualty Combat Care and radio in a medical evacuation for their casualties.
Members from the 11 ATF embedded with a CES team during the exercise in order to enhance their tactical combat readiness through training while simultaneously showcasing their existing skills.
“The exercise was set in a simulated tropical location to [prepare] our Airmen for the ever-evolving combat zones,” said Staff Sgt. Arturo Rosales, 355th CES noncommissioned officer in charge of work management. “There was a simulated drone attack to also prepare Airmen for future conflicts.”
The training allowed Airmen to complete required deployment training hands-on rather than through an online class.
“Civil engineers constantly have a demand to deploy,” said Tech. Sgt. Bonnie Fetke, 355th CES emergency management section chief. “We are the ones that build and maintain infrastructure at deployed locations, so it’s important that we are always prepared.”
At any given time, up to a third of Davis-Monthan’s civil engineers are deployed across the globe helping accomplish a variety of missions. Their training during the quarterly 355th CES readiness challenges ensures they are equipped to deploy anywhere, anytime and are knowledgeable of multiple combat readiness facades.
Deployment readiness training is a constant across the Air Force and is necessary to create skilled warfighters. The 355th CES goes above the standard and enables their Airmen to be fit to fight and capable of facing any challenge they may face.