April 1, 2021 Celebrate military children in April, year round Each year, communities worldwide look to April as an important month for children who have one or both parents or guardians serving in uniform. Considered the military’s youngest heroes, in many ways children serve too. That’s why we honor them during the observance of Month of the Military Child.
April 1, 2021 Tyndall breaks ground for new childcare center The 325th Mission Support Group, AFIMSC's Tyndall Program Management Office and a few special helpers broke ground for a new child development center during a ceremony March 31, 2021, at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.
April 23, 2020 The Military Child in the midst of a pandemic The Month of the Military Child is celebrated during April. It highlights the importance of these children in the lives of their families and the communities they grow up in.
April 27, 2018 Little guy, big fixed heart: part II When Ashley and Tech. Sgt. Ben Mockovciak, 372nd Training Squadron Detachment 202 F-16 tactical aircraft maintenance instructor, learned their son Noah, barely one month old, had experienced a heart attack, their world was turned upside down.
April 24, 2018 Little guy, big fixed heart: part I When Ashley and Tech. Sgt. Ben Mockovciak learned they would soon be parents, they were overwhelmed with the exciting idea of welcoming a healthy, beautiful child into their family.