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  • Driving data and EW at Bamboo Eagle 24-3

    The 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing recently supported the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center’s second iteration of Bamboo Eagle, bringing Electromagnetic Warfare (EW) capability and expertise to the more than 3,000 joint-force service participants.

  • Integrating space into Information Warfare

    As the U.S. Air Force’s competition force, 16th Air Force (Air Forces CYBER) cultivates air and space superiority by integrating space into all warfighting functions to enhance integrated deterrence. This integration unifies 16th Air Force’s mission support with Space Operations Command to grow

  • ACC revitalizes EMS Operations

    Air Combat Command Information Warfare division, or ACC/A326K, is focusing in on EMSO as one of its major lines of effort in order to emphasize the importance of gaining and maintaining the EMS superiority necessary to compete with adversaries that have advanced spectrum awareness. The IW division

  • Dominate the Spectrum: ACC Emphasizes EMS

    The Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) connects forces on land, in the air, at sea, space, and cyberspace. The EMS connects you in your personal and professional life, but this is a battlespace, and it must be won in each and every conflict.In Air Combat Command, the EMS is at the forefront of