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  • From crash to recovery: Pilot, maintainers show resilience

    A pilot climbs into the cockpit of an aircraft, which looked much different than it did on the day a catastrophic gun malfunction stopped the landing gear from deploying and ripped off the canopy mid-flight. On a basic surface attack in 2020 Capt. Bye, 75th Fighter Squadron chief of standardization

  • Team Moody conducts active shooter exercise

    Moody held its annual active shooter exercise to prepare Airmen and civilians throughout the base for a potential armed threat. Team Moody first responder worked in coordination with Lowndes County Sheriffs special response team to conduct a realistic exercise to test the installation on lockdown

  • Commentary - Welcoming Afghan evacuees: What it means to me

    August 2020 will be forever etched into the minds of military individuals who have deployed to Afghanistan over the last 20 years in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. With the close of operations in Afghanistan on August 30, 2021, several people have asked me, “What do you think about Afghan

  • Keeping Moody safe one critter at a time

    To prevent mishaps on the airfield and possible damage to aircraft caused by birds and other animals, Lauren Smith and her dog, Teal, monitor and control the wildlife and habitats in and around Moody Air Force Base’s airfield. As a part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Bird/Wildlife Aircraft

  • Moody hosts Airman professional enhancement seminar

    Twenty-two Airmen from various career fields across the base attended a professional enhancement seminar at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, June 29 to July 1, 2021. Facilitators from various units visited the seminar to discuss Enlisted Force Structure, effective communication, bullet gathering and