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  • Mental health: Pushing past the stigma

    The wellness of service members is a priority across the Department of the Air Force, yet mental health has remained one of the most challenging components. Each service has struggled with an increasing number of suicides since the mid-2000’s. In 2018, there were 103 suicides among Air Force

  • Air Force’s last serving POW retires

    “I thought to myself ‘this is it - I’m a dead man.’” As Lt. Col. Rob Sweet, the last serving Air Force prisoner of war, approached retirement on June 6, he recalled the moment during Operation Desert Storm when his A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft was shot down by enemy forces southwest of Basra, Iraq.

  • Combatting issues through combined awareness

    Several helping agencies and organizations held Moody’s first combined awareness day at the George W. Bush Air Park on April 26, 2021. The event hosted informational booths with topics such as sexual assault, alcohol abuse and child abuse to arm Airmen with the knowledge to tackle ongoing issues in

  • 190th FS wins Hawgsmoke Overall

    The 190th Fighter Squadron, Idaho Air National Guard, outperformed 12 units to win the Top Overall Team Award during the Hawgsmoke 2021 competition April 16. The 3-day event consisted of various competitions that tested maintenance, weapons load crews and pilots on their execution of skill in a