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  • TU-2S Dragon Lady 1078’s Resurrection: Rebirth of the “Silver Dragon”

    TU-2S Dragon Lady 1078’s silver frame stood out in the sunny blue sky, Feb. 15, as it conducted its first flight in 1,030 days. After almost three years of extensive maintenance in a collaborative effort between the 9th Maintenance Group and Lockheed Martin, aircraft 1078 spread her wings again.

  • First E-11A BACN arrives at Robins

    An E-11A BACN, Battlefield Airborne Communications Node, arrived on April 24, 2023, at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. The arrival of the first BACN, often pronounced bacon, established one of the four new mission sets coming to Robins AFB, and falls under the newly activated 18th Airborne Command

  • AFIMSC I-WEPTAC capstone event accelerates change

    Mission area working groups presented solutions for the Air and Space Forces’ biggest installation and mission support challenges to senior leaders during out-briefs at the Installation and Mission Support Weapons and Tactics Conference April 6-7.

  • I-WEPTAC delivers third straight year of innovation

    Mission Area Working Groups delivered innovative solutions to the Air Force’s top Agile Combat Support challenges at the 3rd Annual Installation and Mission Support Weapons and Tactics Conference outbrief here April 10. One of those senior leaders in attendance was Gen. Mike Holmes, commander of Air