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  • K-9 Veterans Day celebrated at Tyndall AFB

    Tyndall Air Force Base has worked tirelessly for the past 15 months to rebuild the base since the damage and destruction caused by a Category 5 hurricane in 2018. One of the biggest challenges Airmen and civilian employees face is getting back to a new normal. The 325th Security Forces Squadron’s

  • Cybersecurity: why it matters

    Cyber-attacks on Air Force networks can have a devastating impact on critical infrastructure, networks, weapons platforms and other assets. The responsibility for maintaining a secure network falls on everyone who accesses it; from a junior Airman in maintenance all the way up to the installation

  • Mission Defense Team: Defending the RPA network

    Mission Defense Teams are the result of the Cyber Squadron Initiative (CS-I), which is a plan to move communications squadrons away from Information Technology (IT) service and toward a mission set that involves the cyberspace side of their wing’s operational mission.

  • Police Week honors legacies

    Moody and local law enforcement are hosting various activities to honor National Police Week, May 15-19, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga.The week honors the legacies of fallen officers, both civilian and military. It also gives various sections within the law enforcement community an opportunity to