Air Combat Command Safety

The Combat Edge Magazine

Spring 2025

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With age comes wisdom.  Share yours with us.

You’ve spent years training to be a member of the world’s greatest Air Force.  Not only do you have skills, but you also have experience—and the wisdom that comes with it.

There have been many times throughout your career when you were confronted by challenges you met, obstacles you overcame.  Each of them made you grow as an Airman.

Share a tale from your experience.  Tells us about the time when ___.  Write a “There I was, …” account of a mishap.  Help other Airmen learn and grow.  Give us the benefit of your wisdom.

Throughout the long history of our safety magazine, from TAC Attack (1961) to The Combat Edge (1992), the message of safety has remained the same.  Help keep it current by telling it in your own, unique way.  Write your safety story and send it to us at

You have something to say, and we're listening.

Download the TCE Writing Guide here.