TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. -- The 325th Medical Group recently conducted Ready Eagle, a comprehensive training exercise aimed at improving response, readiness and team integration, from March 25-27th.
After several days of training, the exercise reached its peak with a capstone event. Medical personnel were tested in a simulated explosion involving hazardous materials representing situations they could face in a deployment, attack or mass-casualty event. This training educated and provided the opportunity for Airmen to practice medical response capabilities by providing training seminars, equipment reviews, tabletop discussions and drills.
“With this training, we hope to improve our mental and physical readiness for a mass casualty or [chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear] events in the future,” said Maj. Dominique Gougis, 325th MDG mental health flight commander. “The more we can educate ourselves, mentally prepare and practice the more confidence it builds.”
Facing different scenarios and having a variety of different patients enables the teams to not only come together and learn to function as one unit, but it [also] helps the 325th MDG identify and improve processes that will help make their daily operations flow smoothly.
“When exercises like this happen it’s awesome because we get together, talk it out and teach each other which team does what [to ensure medical readiness],” said Tech. Sgt. Maria Alvarado, 325th MDG Tricare operations and patient’s administration flight chief.
Large-scale exercises such as Ready Eagle enable Airmen in becoming mission-ready by refining skills such as command and control, triage, decontamination, patient tracking, communication skills and mental preparedness among the various medical teams.
“[Going forward] this exercise will help us identify our current position and how to improve it, enabling us to pinpoint areas that require strengthening, as the wing relies on our capabilities” Alvarado stated.